Santiago de Los Pinos Video Project: Connecting Generations and Maintaining Community Identity

November 12, 2023

The community of Santiago de Pinos has experienced the labor migration of its children and grandchildren for three generations. Despite the distance, the migrant workers remain a part of the town. A group of young people from the community presented to Terronera the project of making a video about what Santiago de Pinos is like today, its landscapes, and customs, to share with family members in the US. Terronera got involved in this initiative to support social cohesion and maintain community identity despite the distances. The video seeks to capture the essence of the town, showcasing its customs, its architecture, and the daily life of its inhabitants. The song and melody were composed to enhance the cultural traditions of the area. Additionally, this project aims to serve as a bridge, strengthening the ties between those who have left and those who remain in Santiago de Pinos.

This video is in Spanish, as it is tailored for the local communities.