Terronera 2024 Summer Camps

August 20, 2024

During the summer vacation, Terronera Precious Metals, through the Community Relations Department, organized the “Terronera Summer Camps 2024” in Santiago de los Pinos, San Sebastián del Oeste. Workshops were offered to 66 children and teenagers, with a maximum of two workshops per participant:

  • Ajedrez
  • Basquetbol
  • Computación e inglés
  • Danza Folclórica
  • Elaboración de Globos de Cantoya
  • Floreo de Soga
  • Futbol Infantil y Juvenil
  • Guitarra y Ukelele
  • Voleibol

The main objective of these camps was to promote social interaction while reducing sedentary behavior and excessive cell phone use. Additionally, local traditions such as rope floreo and Cantoya balloon crafting were promoted.

The chess camp participants stood out in a regional competition in Puerto Vallarta, and those in the computing and English classes improved their skills in Microsoft Office (Word and PowerPoint), preparing them for the upcoming school year.

The Terronera Summer Courses 2024 program undoubtedly strengthened the new generations of Santiago de los Pinos, equipping them with skills and abilities for both their present and future.
