Visit to Ejido El Jorullo

July 25, 2024

TPM and the Ejido Santiago de Los Pinos are working together to develop sustainable ecotourism projects that leverage the natural wealth of the region. This collaboration aims to positively impact the social and economic development of both the ejido representatives and local residents. To foster an entrepreneurial spirit among the ejido representatives of Santiago de Pinos, a group of 18 ejido representatives was invited to visit Ejido El Jorullo, a community located in the southern Sierra of Puerto Vallarta, renowned for its best practices in ecological tourism.

During this visit, participants had the opportunity to learn about the history of Ejido El Jorullo and the challenges they faced in implementing their sustainable ecotourism model. Key points highlighted during this experience included the importance of teamwork, respect, transparency, and perseverance in achieving the success of a sustainable ecotourism project. The cooperative formed in El Jorullo serves as an example of how these principles can help a community with limited income-generating alternatives to develop and consolidate a world-class alternative tourism offering, which now provides significant benefits to the local community.

This knowledge exchange between the two ejidos has been crucial in sparking the interest of the ejido representatives of Santiago de Los Pinos in strengthening their entrepreneurial and institutional capacities, with the aim of implementing similar projects in their own territory. Through these collaborations, the goal is not only to replicate best practices but also to adapt them to the unique characteristics of each region, thereby ensuring a positive and sustainable impact on regional development.